Commuter Needs

- Deliver on UPass, leaving implementation to the Colleges/Faculties, to give students a break on TTC fares

- ⁠Continue the fight for faster and safer class-to-class commutes, going all-in on making St. George the crown jewel of campus that it always should have been

Mental Health

- Deliver on the promise of Downtown Mental Health Services to give every student access to no-cost, long-term therapy for students, by students

- ⁠Expand the Mental Health Support Fund to provide a greater range of market options to add capacity to the Union’s offering of mental health services

- ⁠Expand the Gender Affirming Gear Program, and make it a permanent staple in UTSU programming


- Secure a non-police crisis response team in order to get Campus Safety to get out of the business of responding to mental health calls

- ⁠Secure the REES reporting tool to give survivors of sexual assault a greater range of safe, secure, and accessible options when reporting their abuser

- ⁠Fix the campus alarm systems to enhance on-campus safety and incorporate options for who to call (e.g. non-crisis response team versus campus safety versus TPS)


- RBC off-campus. Now. Replace it with something students actually want.

- ⁠Transparent and accessible UofT donor database to enhance transparency and offer advocates options when holding admin accountable

- ⁠Dedicated student advocacy fund for student organisations (shout-out CJ UofT and TSSP)

- The general vibe: give the advocacy groups on campus the tools and resources they need to fight for change

UTSU Reform

- Retool the UTSU Senate with a bicameral arrangement to give it power and purpose

- ⁠Rebuild Union capacity to ensure that it’s able to deliver—because you deserve a student union that delivers.

Build a Better, Brighter UofT

Aidan Thompson for UTSU President

Build a Better, Brighter UofT • Aidan Thompson for UTSU President •